What a great weekend! H2B was in town since he had Friday AND Monday off for MLK day. He met me and some friends and coworkers at our usual Happy Hour spot at 5 and we all had a really great time. Happy hour went into over time, we didn't get home until about 9:30 or 10.
Saturday was a marathon. For someone who rarely likes to leave the house for extended periods of time on a weekend day (I mean really, if I need to go to Target and the grocery store, I break it up and do one per day), I'm amazed at myself for having this much stamina. So here was our Saturday:
Event #1: Crate & Barrel for our first wedding registry experience. Super overwhelming to pick wine glasses from an entire wall of them! But we had a good time and didn't disagree on much. Dishes, silverware, cookware, etc! The kitchen is really H2B's domain, so I deferred to his preference most of the time.
Event #2: Lunch (and a beer) at Buffalo Wild Wings. A nice break to clear our heads before Event #3
Event #3: Macy's for wedding registry part two. This time I was running the show, sheets and towels are some of my favorite things and
The Hotel Collection is just so yum!
After that we went home for a short rest before
Event #4: Drinks with some friends at a bar near home. Super fun but we had to cut it short so we wouldn't be late for...
Event #5: Dinner with other friends at a Baltimore fav,
The Brewer's Art. The food was excellent, as was the beer. And the wine. And the company!
Sunday, H2B and I stayed close to home and made soup for lunch and a yummy yummy casserole for dinner. Finally some relaxation!
Monday, H2B left super early to beat the inauguration craziness of DC. Since it snowed all day, I spent the day in bed. I read a little, I watched a little TV, and I took a couple of naps. I also did some online wedding registry management. An altogether great weekend! Now I am back at work refreshed and ready to get stuff done!